Why Use Video to Promote Your Travel Business?

Why Use Video to Promote Your Travel Business?

The hours spent watching online videos per week for a significant part of the population are astonishing. Nearly 60% of the world’s population spends up to 10 hours a week watching online videos. Hence, you can easily estimate the power of marketing through videos and the massive exposure one can get from video marketing. YouTube acts as a base for online video making, and it is the second most common search engine after Google. 

If you own a travel business, videos are an essential factor that can help scale and grow your business tenfold. Travel videos drive more than 60% of the travel decisions from customers. Besides giving information about the travel destination, videos also help on-the-go guides for every traveler at a new destination. Naturally, a travel video depicts a broader idea of the destination and the things to do.

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Apart from the above reasons, videos also add value to the brand. Here are some reasons you should use videos to promote your travel business.

Videos are a Quick Guide to Your Brand and the Product It Offers

Displaying photos to promote the brand and explaining the products on offer is a good idea; nevertheless, it does not complete the purpose, since it explains just an instance. Video marketing strategies that define the entire story complement the purpose. Customers will be informed better when videos are used on the website or social media pages to describe the various products and services. When customers are informed thoroughly, it piques interest and brings them on board to try out those services or products.

For example, if you offer a ziplining experience to your customers and describe the service through a picture, the customer can have the following questions in mind

  • How, and to what is the zip line attached?
  • How was the launch done?
  • Whether or not the dismount worked adequately? If yes, then how?
  • What are the different views along the zipline?
  • What reviews did the customers give after the entire experience?
  • Who runs the whole business, and are they trustworthy?

Numerous questions remain unanswered through a picture. On the other hand, a video can explain most questions. Even if the video is brief, it can adequately inform customers about your company and its services and products.

Videos Can Describe the Differentiating Factors of Your Business

Videos have an immense capability to highlight your brand’s personality. Compared to simple pictures or written content, videos enhance the connection with a prospective client. A video’s explanatory nature allows and helps customers to identify your brand’s various positives and differentiate it from the other competitors in the market. The video content is enhanced with appropriate background sounds and attracts customers better. With all elements combined in a video, customers get a robust perspective of your travel business. 

Here are some examples of arranging your videos based on your brand’s approach to giving a better idea to the customers.

  • If you have a brand that offers action and adventure, use a video maker tool to edit videos with small clips with quick transitions.
  • If your brand portrays and offers serene holidays or vacations, you can use cinematic views and drone shots of the places you offer for touring.

Remember that every time a customer can relate and connect with a video, it will be easier for them to communicate with your brand’s personality. You can use online video makers to create such transitions and animations.

Videos Describe the Feel Through Another’s Perspective

When you describe the various travel experiences and adventures offered, it gives the viewers the same thrill but through someone else’s eyes. Be it adventure sports, walking through the woods, enjoying a meal at a restaurant, or any other activity, the customer is automatically intrigued when you record and display such motions. With every action and movement captured, a customer gets eager to experience it themselves. Enticing interest happens when your video manages to explain all the activities from another’s perspective to evoke the viewer’s interest.

Videos Explain Better than Other Forms of Content

Videos are more digestible and understandable when compared to written or static content. Your business might have complex activities and adventures that may be new for the customer to understand. In this scenario, videos dig deep into explaining all those points clearly. Alongside presenting the challenging issues, it also intrigues prospective customers to try out a particular activity. Videos usually explain points in digestible chunks and hence are a more preferred form of promotion than other content types.

Videos Notch the Memory

Videos mark a customer’s mind and hence, are a preferred form of promotion. Remembering static or written content is quite difficult. On the contrary, customers can easily recognize critical content with all the dynamics and explanations in a video. Videos hold biological importance since humans are intrigued by motion, and anything that moves tends to capture the viewers’ attention better. 

Videos can help make a brand and its products and services offered memorably. Hence, the way you put forward the content through your videos counts a lot in making an impact.

Wrapping Up

Customers these days demand videos from every brand they come across. When you run a travel business, it becomes mandatory to keep the customer base updated with your offerings through exciting forms of content. What better than videos to keep the customers engaged and interested? Publishing video content that offers value to your brand and the customers is essential to keep the business growing.

Author: Sarah Sadie